Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sony: PlayStation Network continues offline

Sony raises once more the status of the PSN. The relaunch of the online network apparently runs out for several weeks.

The Playstation Network (PSN) is obviously 31 May 2011 from the network. The Sony spokesman Shigenori Yoshida confirmed to the Financial Portal Bloomberg. In order to crush the hopes of the PS3 players go back online soon (and play) to be able to. Sony announced late as early May, some PSN services quickly back on. Whether the 31 most recent to the statements before the May happens is unclear. The company bases its longer service interval with further work on the security measures of the network. The PSN has been a hacker attack of 20 April offline.

If you have an account on the Playstation Network, beckons you to compensation. Sony has announced the following measures:

Free downloadable content from the Playstation Store
30 days free Playstation Plus membership for subscribers and non-subscribers
30-free days for Qriocity Subscribers

Sony will soon be known in order that free downloadable content is concerned.

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