Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thomas D: "From the Playstation 3 I'm real gone "

The musicians of the Fantastic Four of anxiety while gambling, outrageous CD prices and new on his plate.

Thomas Durr (born on December 30, 1968 in Ditzingen) - better known by his pen name Thomas D - is one of the founders of the German hip-hop group The Fantastic Four. In addition to the family and the music play games a big role in the life of the skilled barber. In COMPUTER GAMES interview, the musician talks about his new solo album "Lessons in humility, 11.0", his passion for games and denounces the CD rates.

COMPUTER GAMES (CBS): What do you gamble today?

Thomas D (TD): I am a family man and also shapes the Zockalltag. My daughter is seven years young, my son was three. You can not gamble all that. Only family friendly games.

CBS: Sure do your kids sometimes ran to the gamepad. Is there a scheme?

TD: Yes. And that is: The rip dad and watch you are allowed. (Laughs) No, not so radical that runs off course. The neighbor's son and my daughter currently play regularly, "Wario Ware". So after half an hour I will always watch the room and say, "Now it is slowly but well." My son is currently fascinated by remote controls more than games. As soon as he hears me say that my daughter will stop the Zockerei or television, it switches the device - without question and in seconds. He is such a way more brutal than I do. But absolutely consistent.

CBS: They currently play only games for children?

TD: No, no! I've just started an adult game at night and quite secretly - "Alan Wake". The title is older, but incredibly fascinating. Before the drama and tension I have to pull my hat. I sit in front of the television and'm really scared! I am considering actually often in the evening, whether I will play because I'm afraid of the game. And something happens to a grown man! I think that's great. Basically, the game no new elements. What distinguishes it is the story with this book you realize again how important a good story is. It provides for the nerve-supply. Fascinating!

CBS: Some time ago you have the console from Microsoft paid no attention. Now you play the Xbox 360 exclusive "Alan Wake". What caused the change?
TD: For a long time I was a true Nintendo gamers. And the intuitive controls of the Wii console still fascinates me. But with the advent of Kinect I dug the Xbox 360.

CBS: And how do you like Sony's Move-concept?

TD: Sony's flashing karaoke thing I do not have. From the Playstation 3, I'm really gone. Because I just do not stifle innovation. To me it seems as if the only imitate everything. In contrast, Kinect I found the idea of ​​innovation very well. Right now I'm going but even more from the Xbox Live Marketplace Independent. I have since been played on titles such as "Limbo ". The game is a dream. Other way to describe it.

"Limbo" way, I have shown my children. A few minutes anyway. It looked initially like this harmless. Sweet, romantic. A bit Rotkäppchen.Doch came to take the first bear trap - and Zack was the head off. At this point it was clear that "Limbo" game is an adult and the children had left the room. (Laughs)

CBS: Do you play on Xbox Live with friends?

TD: Yes. The whole online gaming world has not yet been opened to me. I've been playing for half my life. At 17, I sneaked illegally into pure gambling halls. I would describe myself as an experienced gamer. And yet I'm doing well just about one tenth of what other players get. I guess I'm afraid of the competition with real people, before the comparison of high scores. I fear that I feel miserable at the end of my hobby and hang on a nail. I'm just too bad for the online community. I use exclusively on Xbox Live Arcade area.

CBS: It looks as though the Xbox 360, Wii, displaced as your favorite gaming platform. Is that correct?

TD: Yes. My favorite game console is now the iPhone. This is among other things, the pricing of Apple. For other platforms games cost 35 euros upwards. For the iPhone, I buy a game like "Tiny Wings" for just 79 cents. I am now - Attention, ladies and gentlemen - 178,000 points and have a 28 times multiplier nest and the eighth island reached. The game tells me that I have now reached the rank of master. This has cost me weeks of my life. I could not stop it! Great fun for little money.

CBS: Why next to the price yet for the iPhone?

TD: The touchpad of the unit reached Apple what Nintendo has done well before with the motion control. You experience and plays games on a different, refreshing way

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